Actress Judy Ann Santos told the media during a press conference that she also regretted endorsing presidential aspirant Jamby Madrigal, who ran for a Senate seat in 2004 and won.
During the Inquirer-sponsored presidential debate held on Feb. 8, Madrigal said she regretted getting Santos to campaign for her at the time: “I have seen the folly of my ways and I will not repeat that because I don’t believe that we should perpetuate lies [with the help of] a thick budget.”
Santos said, “It’s good that it came from her because we feel exactly the same way.”
The actress said she got upset when she heard about the politician’s comments. “I thought she was sincere... I thought she believed that I was an effective endorser, that I was able to convince at least three people to vote for her everywhere we went.”
Santos is among the top 10 celebrity endorsers in the country, pitching for products as diverse as shampoo (Pantene), mobile phone service (Sun) and feminine wash (Lactacyd, which was launched Monday).
She took offense at the insinuation that stars endorse politicians for nothing more, or less, than a hefty talent fee.
As for the rumor that Madrigal failed to compensate her properly for the 2004 campaign, Santos just shrugged: “I’d rather not comment on that. When it comes to money matters, it’s best to talk to my manager, Alfie Lorenzo,” she told the Inquirer in a one-on-one.
She said she learned a lot from this controversy. “I am more picky now... before campaigning for anyone, I’ll make sure I know that person really well... from head to foot.”
She said she first met Madrigal just before the 2004 election. “We did an infomercial on the youth. Since she was running [with] the party of Tatay Ron (Fernando Poe Jr.), I also campaigned for her.”
She is not interested in waging a word war with Madrigal, though. “I value my name and reputation in the business,” Juday said, adding that she has yet to hear from Madrigal after Feb. 8. “I have no idea if she is trying to reach me, but if she wants to... who am I to turn my back on her?”
Asked if she is endorsing a candidate this election, Juday said, “I’d rather keep that to myself or discuss it only among friends. Or maybe if I’m in the grocery and someone asks who I’d vote for, I’ll be open about it. But I’d rather not campaign openly.”
Her requirements? “I will vote for someone who will help the country progress, someone who can solve simple problems, like traffic.”
She said that the Comelec ruling enjoining celebrities and media personalities to go on leave if they want to campaign was “slightly” unfair.
“Why single out actors? We also have the right to express our opinions and support whomever we want.”
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