I saw the ANC Presidential Policy Forum, January 14, 2009.
At my first glance I saw the candidates. Senator Manny Villar, Senator Dick Gordon and former Defense Secretary Gibo Teodoro.
Then I asked myself. “hmmmmm.. Someone is missing...AH! Senator NoyNoy!”
How come he isn’t here? I asked myself. He never missed a forum before since declaring his candidacy.
Then I checked the program for the forum. After the introduction, candidates will be asked with regards to the following topics.
Maguindanao massacre Challenger of peace in the south
Foreign relations and international security
Economy and the international economic relations
Competitiveness in the world
That’s when my question was answered. Sen. NoyNoy cannot afford to attend a forum like this. Why? If he was asked about the Maguindanao massacre how is he to answer? (In an honest way, after all he claims to be a very honest boy)
Imagine this, had NoyNoy attended the forum
Ricky Carandang: Sen. NoyNoy what can you say about the Maguindanao massacre?
Sen. NoyNoy: Well, I think it’s unfair! Unfair that the criminals for this are going to jail. While those who committed the Hacienda Luisita massacre of 2004 are still at large! Heck! I’m even running for president! So unfair!!
Ricky Carandang: Sen. NoyNoy how are you to deal with foreign relations?
Sen. NoyNoy: that’s easy! I’ll make sure the Chinese and other foreigners take over our lands and businesses. After all that’s what my Mommy did. And look at how prosperous we are now.
Ricky Carandang: Sen. NoyNoy, what’s your international policy for economic relations?
Sen. NoyNoy: I’m going to take my Sister’s advice on that. I’ll fix my relationship with my girlfriends first before I fix any economic relations.
Ricky Carandang: How can you stay competitive with the other world leaders?
Sen. NoyNoy: That’s a hard one. (“Butch are you there? Can u hear me?”) uhmmmm I think I dont know. I’ve never been competitive with anything my whole life kasi. I’m a spoiled only son. If I want something I don’t have to compete for it. I just have to ask Mommy to get it for me. I always ask my Mommy to help me get what I want. Like the presidency. Even though everybody knows I don’t deserve it.
There you go. Those would have been his answers. No wonder the Liberal Party had to say “no” to this forum. Well I say: No Platform, No Policy, No Forum, No NoyNoy!!
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